
Showing posts from April, 2020

I feel that my head needed a wash.

I know I am again OCDing. When ever you think what you feel in can be OCD, chances are that it is OCD. I know all I have to do is acknowledge the fact that due to the problem of OCD in my brain, there's some biochemical imbalance and that's what is giving me false signals.  So I need to just remember that. And don't need to do the urge.  And when I do that repeatedly.  I will win. 


Its ironical. How the urge to do things that you dont want to do comes to you. Almost likesomthing that you really want to do. Isn't it strange? In my life so far, I have felt only one thing, the more you fulfil your urges the more you want them to be done. Now here, I am not only talking about obsessive compulsive disorder. I am talking about LIFE in general. Today we go out, and buy a new car, because we really want to, tomorrow we want more such things. Now, I am not saying that we should not do this. All I am saying is, In OCD the urges that we are doing, the rituals, or compulsions or whatever you want to call them, they do not give us pleasure, like buying a car would. Yes, maybe, you might get your anxiety down a little, well just a little, only to comeback in full swing. And that's the story of OCD brain. I would write down about my experiences, my failures and my victories.