Let's Think Good.

Let’s Think Good. 


It would be right to say that it's our choice about what we think or what we not. 

Isn't it? 

Then a quick question comes to everyone's mind is that nobody wants to think anything negative. Right? Then why do we still do that, and what can we do to avoid it. 


Well, I think as far as man is concerned, he can't probably exist without negative thinking. I instead believe that it's the fight that a person holds in his mind against the negative thoughts that keep a person go. And for all those positive thoughts, he gets a feeling of happiness. 


What to do with these negative thoughts? 


Well, just move on. It's nice to observe that negative thoughts do not last. When you busy yourself in different things, there might come a time when you think what "negative" I was thinking about. All you would be feeling a little heaviness for no particular reason. Really. That's the power of negative thought. So just let it go. 


Enjoy life, enjoy yourself. You are precious. 


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