
Superb Brain

Superb Brain   I know there are times when you feel that this is too hard, and you can’t keep going on. And you probably want just to say “enough, I can’t go on.”  But I was thinking; there’s a silver lining. Really. I feel OCD has given nature of perfectionism to all of us, and if we use it wisely, it can do wonders. Didn’t you realize you can do anything? Your OCD has trained your mind to think incessantly for anything that you want. All you need to do is just change the direction, that’s all. And you can use all that power for something productive.    

Let's Think Good.

Let’s Think Good.     It would be right to say that it's our choice about what we think or what we not.   Isn't it?   Then a quick question comes to everyone's mind is that nobody wants to think anything negative. Right? Then why do we still do that, and what can we do to avoid it.     Well, I think as far as man is concerned, he can't probably exist without negative thinking. I instead believe that it's the fight that a person holds in his mind against the negative thoughts that keep a person go. And for all those positive thoughts, he gets a feeling of happiness.     What to do with these negative thoughts?     Well, just move on. It's nice to observe that negative thoughts do not last. When you busy yourself in different things, there might come a time when you think what "negative" I was thinking about. All you would be feeling a little heaviness for no particular reason. Really. That's the power of negative thought. So just let it g...

Multiface Monster.

you renewer free of OCD. I mean , it might be just my point of view. But again, I might be wrong, I wish I am wrong at this. There's always a thing in me, you know something which keeps me doing a little of what I am not suppose to do. you know like while reading , I keep saying "and and" in between. you know an OCD ritual. I know it doesn't bothersome so much, but still, its an OCD part. What I really wanted to say here is, OCD is pretty changing all the time. I have seen the obsessions to same things, differently. and also to different things , similarly. I guess thats what OCD is about. One time you are scared to touch the tap, and other times, it starts becoming normal, all over again. Thus, its important to keep a very vigilant watch on your behaviour and sometimes justify you not falling for OCD ritual by telling that earlier also you haven't done it. OCD is a monster. and a pretty strong one. But you gotta be smart.

feeling worthless

The course of life is never the same. Sometimes you feel ecstatic, and other times like trash. its not the same thing every time. Sometimes all you need is more patience and Sometimes all you need is a better perspective. if you want to cry, then cry. if you want to shout, the shout. if you wanna talk to someone, then talk. do whatever it takes. but always remember things get fine when you work on them, not by themselves. dont give up. work.

Nice Cuppa Coffee.

well , no matter what you read, you find that caffeine exaggerate symptoms of OCD. and as a person, who is shit scared go OCD, you dont want to take a chance. And you think that its fine to leave the coffee for good. But then you always come back to it. and now it has happened a lot of times, this romantic relation of break ups and make ups between you and the caffeine world. All the beautiful cafes, serving the best coffee, the filters radiating the aroma of dark roasted arabica. man that is something. and you dont wanna give it up. JUST DONT GIVE UP. the key is to know, how much is bad? and forget the literature, your body tells you the exact amount that is fine/good/tolerated well with you. all you have to do is listen to it. hydrate yourself well. Infact the whole idea of making a cup of coffee in a day is kinda special to me. I wait for it the entire day and savour it. All this excitement definitely releases good neurotransmitters in me and I feel happy abou...

that shade of blue.

sometimes its difficult comprehend your state of mind. its vaguely sad, partially dissatisfied with life and for some reason you are feeling cheated. your brain knows that you are in vulnerable state of mind. and so does your OCD. you try hard to pin point that one thing, that one reason, that one excuse to blame your entire state of mind on, but you don't know that. its not that you can think of any reason, you have plenty of reasons that you can blame on to, but you dont know which one. you continue to feel the same way, unless you do something about it. its like a very active thing, and remaining passive is costing you. costing you your peace of mind. I know you had been told the beauty of passiveness in life, knowingly or unknowingly by in numerous people through out your life. you feel the best things in life are suppose to feel effortless, are suppose to be felt, just like that. But believe me, all this passiveness is so over rated. Be active. Be responsible f...

a day with KETO DIET.

JUST AN EXAMPLE. Like in my previous post, I have mentioned about how eating less of carbs helped. following that , I got emails for a sample days plan. So I created this post. The first food of the day...... just our of curiosity I thought let’s try almond milk cappuccino from Starbucks.  Well , it’s not happening again.  Though right in nutrition , it wasn’t good to taste.  I had some fried chicken in ghee and salmon salad. Yes the servings of green was a lil too much, but none the less I enjoyed it.  Cheese was never missed in the salad.  The lemon on salad was a game changer. Never thought it could be like this.  I removed the breads that I got in the salad. It took a little courage though.  I was feeling pretty drowsy by 4 pm and has to attend this really important meeting. What to do.  So I though of a double shot macchiato.  Though this was a little much caffeine. But yeah. It worked....