that shade of blue.

sometimes its difficult comprehend your state of mind.
its vaguely sad, partially dissatisfied with life and for some reason you are feeling cheated.
your brain knows that you are in vulnerable state of mind.
and so does your OCD.

you try hard to pin point that one thing, that one reason, that one excuse to blame your entire state of mind on, but you don't know that.

its not that you can think of any reason, you have plenty of reasons that you can blame on to, but you dont know which one.

you continue to feel the same way, unless you do something about it.

its like a very active thing, and remaining passive is costing you. costing you your peace of mind.

I know you had been told the beauty of passiveness in life, knowingly or unknowingly by in numerous people through out your life. you feel the best things in life are suppose to feel effortless, are suppose to be felt, just like that. But believe me, all this passiveness is so over rated.

Be active. Be responsible for your own emotions.

Because like I always believe,

Its not what you feel that matters,
it what you do that counts.


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